Ughh, too bad I had to tell you that I once again went through a very hard week, a very very very hard one indeed. I suffered an acute self-focused disease, started to ignore everyone and not even giving a damn to important things. Well, as what I've said in my last post, I really went out of line, becoming someone else that I can hardly recognize. The minute I realize I went so wrong, I tried hard to find a way back. Hoping someone is there to help and give his/her hands. In fact, I'm lucky. My best friend, (well, I never really had what so called best friend yet I found one now), you know who you are, helped me through my hard times.
Apparently, I get the courage to speak up what I want and start to find 'myself' in me with her advice and guidance. Thank God, she was there to remind me that I've done something very inappropriate. So I made a promise, a promise to myself, that I won't let you guys down. I'll be someone better and someday you'll be proud having me as your friend. I won't stop thanking, never.
Another thing is I wanna apologize to everyone, anyone, someone, whoever you are if I've offended you in any way. I might be too unstable these few weeks and don't take something I've done seriously cause at that time, I might be out of mind. At the very end, I wish everything's fine. Many thanks and sorry at the same time.