It is no ordinary 31st, no ordinary August, it's the independence day of Malaysia. Well, it's not like I care actually. Malaysia itself is not my country, I just happen to be stranded to this 'neighbour' of my home country for education reason. I know lots of you think that having my ass landed in this country to pursue further education is not the right choice. To be honest, I am no fans of Malaysia. It does not offer safety at the first place. Like most of you, I also thought that Malaysia is lame, too near to our home town, does not offer anything extraordinary, no fun, no life, and boring. But believe it or not, I experienced and learnt the most of everything in here. You can't find friendly staff in Singapore, Medan, Australia or any other western countries. You don't get to feel the shopping paradise in elsewhere. Try Singapore, I bet we offer you same quality of goods with lower price. How does that sound? Okay, I'm not here to promote this country so I may as well stop here. But before you judge Malaysia, try stay here and then you talk.
Apart from what I just said, may I remind you Malaysia is so not safe ! I don't get it why they ALWAYS steal, rob, snatch, or kill when Hari Raya is coming. I honestly think if you happen to be poor, no money to buy new dress or whatsoever, you should have worked harder then. Thief is not a job, not a profession. sigh. I don't feel like talking about those shallow people or else I'll get myself out of control and cursed them to death. You guys get lost and go to hell, brainless moron -.-
After rambling so much, now I have to mood to continue this post. Such a distraction, I was about to tell you my plan for holidays. Perhaps I'll save that for next post. Have a nice day :)